Our Services
Willamette Valley Sawmill Services is a family run business located in the Southern Willamette Valley just west of Creswell, Oregon. Pat and his wife Kim manage the business and are excited to serve you.
Our business model is designed and planned around sustainability. We manage two tree farm properties where our primary goal is to practice sustainable forestry and marketing our products locally. Along with sawing our own logs, we sell logs to local sawmills. We are always working hard to improve our forest land through various stand improvement activities. We focus on fuels reduction and density management in order to increase growth and vitality.
We have four primary services that we offer at Willamette Valley Sawmill Services:

Custom Milled Lumber
We have several products available for sale from our own logs. Our operation is mostly dimensional lumber production and custom orders. The main tree species we mill are as follows: Douglas fir, western hemlock, grand fir, incense cedar, western red cedar, big leaf maple, alder along with other NW hardwoods.

Forest Consultation
Within our forest consultation services, we provide the necessary equipment to cruise timber and calculate tree volumes. These tools include a Spiegel Releskop, logger tapes, increment bores and etc.
We appreciate your interest and support. We enjoy hearing from you and love to answer questions about what we offer. No job is too small for us to consider.

Portable Sawmill Services
We own a Wood-Mizer LT-40 portable sawmill that is completely hydraulic, very fast and accurate. The sawmill has an extra wide head rig capable of sawing logs up to 36 inches in diameter. It can mill logs up to 21 feet long as well. The sawmill is completely portable, which gives us the ability to travel to your site. In addition we are set up with our own log yard and can mill your logs here at this site. Many of our customers choose to bring their logs to our site.

Tree Falling, Logging and Hauling
Our services include tree falling, logging and hauling. We have a Kubota four wheel drive MX5100 tractor along with a Farmi logging winch. The tractor and winch can move large logs with ease. We can also haul logs to our site with our dump bed trailer. Some of our customers in town choose this option due to access issues.

Miscellaneous Forest Products
We offer a variety of miscellaneous forest products, from lumber to sawdust to live edge slabs.